Korea: Version Me.0

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Impromptu game of Scattergories

The computer in a class of second year boys was broken leaving me with not much to do...luckily i'd been planning to try out the game "Scattergories" in class for a while, which meant I was prepared on how to explain it and set it up. Anyway it went over real well once they figured out what they had to do XD

So I put them in teams of about 5 students, and gave them 5 categories and in the first round the letter: S
Which turned out normal, whatever. THEN i started the second round with the categories:
1. Boys Name
2. Something you wear
3. Singer
4. Something that smells bad (THIS WAS A REAL WINNER)
5. TV Show

And gave them the letter H

Best answers were definitely for "Something that smells bad" cause they were having a lot of trouble thinking of something..but for having such a hard time, they had amazing answers at the end. And each team had a different answer XD

-"Hong 어"?
-"Hospital Toilet"
-"Hair smell"
-"Hamster Poo"
and my favorite:
-"Hongdonggu's foot smell"


lolll i love this game.

Honorable mention as far as answers go:
Tv Show: "history chaner" "home video"
something you wear: "hot sweater"

Probably funnier still was the way I was counting their points. I figured if i asked each team to read their answers outloud, other teams might be inclined to change their answers if they heard an answer the same as theirs, so instead I asked ONE BOY from each team to bring their paper to the front.

Which started ok, until more of them decided to come up and cram around me and peer over my shoulder at what the answers were XD Which just disintegrated into me being stuck right in the middle of this huge swarm of boys all trying to see what was happening. I kinda felt like i was in the front row at a bare knuckle boxing match or something, and they were all shouting and placing bets. lololol i dunno.

It was great though cause I had this white board marker which was really final when i crossed out answers that were the same so it was quite dramatic LOL

this game is awesome. totally want to use it again in other classes.

In other news, I guess "my husband" isn't feeling "terrible" because "i see you" anymore -___-
Brat. I was walking up the stairs when a wall of 3rd years came walking down and while trying to carve a path through "my husband" decided he was going to sit on the steps RIGHT IN FRONT OF WHERE I WAS WALKING and then just be all: "hello~" XD what a brat. I suppose i married a bi-polar person *le sigh*


Monday, May 16, 2011

Random moments

Standing in the elevator waiting for the doors to close when a first year boy jumped in before he saw me. Then it was an awkward "hello" and I asked him if he was allowed to ride the elevator to which he replied: "Secret!" And when I pointed out there was a camera in the elevator he immediately jumped into the corner and pressed up against the wall like he was a secret agent. XDD

On Teachers' Day, in addition to my obligatory rose for just being a teacher, my "boyfriend" (self proclaimed, third year mediocre english student) ran up TWICE to give me an extra rose, so i got three XD Then later we had this coversation at lunch:
‎"Teacher, three flowers yes?"
"haha yes, i remember" *thumbs up*
"Three flowers" *points to himself* "is my heart, Ok?"
"Oh...ok." *nodding*
"I am rich!"


Also walking in on Teachers' Day to find out a first year boy had left a carnation on my desk X3 Probably was told to by his mom, but still ㅋㅋ

Spending the last few minutes of class discussing Portal and Portal 2 with some of my favorite students in my favorite class. High level first year boys.
Boy: "The cake!"
Me: "But the cake is a lie! It's a lie!!"

Boy: "Glaados is a potato."
Me: "But a potato isn't scary."
Boy: "Yes."
Me: "Like Mr. Potato Head?"
Boy: "Yes! Like Mr. Potato Head!"

Some of the best answers on students' "bucket lists"
I want to...
-Drive a unicorn
-See a UFO, Ride a UFO, Make a UFO
-Touch the Sun
-Buy China
-Be a Power Ranger (green)
-Be a ninja
-Throw a ninja star, shoot a gun, talk to a baby
-Meet Rain, Married Rain
-Kill my sister
-Kill my brother
-Kick the bucket
-Be the King of England (XD I told him he should brush up on his English)
-Eat people
-Go to Gay Bar
-Have 97 kids
-Eat all the chocolate in the world
-Drink alcohol all day
-etc etc etc (that's all i can think of off the top of my head atm)

lol, i feel like there are so many random moments i want to keep track of, but i always forget everything -__-

So maybe i'll try to keep doing this at least, so i use this...sorta and have a place to remember these things
