Korea: Version Me.0

Friday, October 14, 2011

2PM NEPA Fansign in Cheongju~!!

Warning: Do not read this if you don't want to read fangirling XD YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

So i ran out of my school a few minutes before 3 and was there at 3:10 (I vastly overestimated how long it would take to get there from my school, but maybe because I luckily caught a cab right away)

I called the nepa guy and he told me “ok, now come back at 3:30” and just as I was about to go sit somewhere and pull myself together, I hear “Teacher!!”

and I turn around like:

and it’s one of my students! 헐ㄹㄹ loll, she had a ticket to get in so i asked her who she wanted to see and she said Junsuㅋㅋㅋ cute. there were a LOT of girls there in their school uniforms….obviously cutting school ….like me tbh l o l but at least i was finished with all my classes >.>

so I took a pic with my student ㅋㅋ

and then sat around waiting for 3:30. More and more ppl kept coming, running up trying to peak in, trying to figure out if they were there yet or not loll. So by the time the nepa guy calls me again there’s a sizeable mob in front of the nepa store. And this guy just says: “Ok…uhm. come in the store now.”

………ok, i’m coming? wtf, do i need to force my way through the crowd? ㅠㅠㅠ I go to the edge and there’s a security guy there and so I lamely say: “uhm. i need to get into the store” [all in korean, speaking in english wouldn’t have helped] but he just says: “Oh are you one of the fb winners? ok, go ahead”


so I climb over the barrier and dash in, ㅋㅋ all the other ppl had to wait outside bahaha. I get inside and get to the others, there are 6 of us total, 2 for each member and i’m so glad when I notice that they are NOT middle school or high school girls XD They’re at LEAST college age if not older. We FB event winners get to sit inside the nice Nepa store drinking orange juice while all the fans outside are trying to peer into the storeㅋㅋ

They gave us nepa hats for the signing, and told us we would have to just get our signature and then leave. bah. the other girls were asking if we could take pics or anything but no that would be “difficult” Anyway we were told we’re going to go first and get our hats signed and then the regular fansigning will start~

The front of the store was all glass windows and they had the big red/white nepa backdrop they’re always sitting in front of for fansignings set up in front of it. we were sitting behind that, off to the side a bit.

Then they tell us that 2pm’s almost here and they’re gonna walk in and go directly upstairs for a bit before the fansign. I have the best seat ‘cause i got in last so I’m sitting on the edge next to the stairsㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ and i can see the entrance clearly so i’ll basically see them the moment they step into the store~

While the 6 of us are sitting there, we start to hear screams from outside so we’re all now tense and wide-eyed. And I see the front of a black van pull up to the front doors….

And then the screaming gets MORE intense somehow and all of a sudden CHANSUNG strolls in in his bright yellow/blue jacket looking amazing and fresh and tall and beautiful and heads straight for the stairs. He glances over at us all sitting there quietly ….we probably look like this: O_________________O and kinda looks a bit shocked but keeps going upstairs.

Then more screaaamms and in walks JUNSU in navy, he’s kinda looking down brushing his hair down with his fingers and then he looks up as he gets closer to the stairs and also seems a bit shocked to see us lmao. except it was more obvious with him cause his droopy panda eyes got all big for a second and then he ran up the stairs too.

And then MORE SCREAMS and ~in. walks. Ok. Taecyeon.~ all in black, striding along, and he also glances at us, seems a bit surprised, though less so than the other two, and trots up the stairs.

loll I dunno why they seemed surprised. Maybe the contrast between the 6 of us sitting there staring silently and the crazy screaming middle schoolers outside was shocking? Or maybe they knew we’d be there and were just curious idek. or maybe the girls next to me were making weird faces who knows, I wasn’t looking at them.

In any case, as soon as he’s out of sight the 6 of us all look at each other like: O___O umg.

We’re told that 2pm will come back down in about 10 mins after getting ready and “makeup” and all of us were just kinda like: “wtf do they need makeup for ㄱ.ㄱ”

And as we’re waiting there, the other girls next to me were talking “오 떨려, 어떻게” [Oh, I’m nervous, what to do?] omgg. it was so true, i felt like i was having a heart attack wow. They walked right by us, maybe 3 feet from where we were. I dunno how often the other girls got to see them but for me it was SURREAL. Up until that point, that was the closest i’d ever been to them O____O

A little while later we hear all this thudding coming down the stairs and after a manager and some coordi’s appeared, out pops Ok Taecyeon, and he does a little half turn/half bow/grin-smile towards us and says “안녕하세요~” with a little wave, and I remember thinking at the time that it was just soo like him to do that. I wouldn’t say it was “greasy” per say but it was really “Taecyeon”-y, you know, his low gravelly, i-know-that-if-i-say-it-like-this-you’ll-all-melt-but-at-the-same-time-there’s-a-hint-of-troll kinda way.

LOL. what am i talking about, do you guys know what I mean? X’D

So Taec walks over to stand behind the nepa backdrop and Chan rumbles down the stairs next, glances at us, and walks over to stand next to him and then Junsu follows a bit later and joins them. They’re all just kinda chilling behind the backdrop and all the coordis are tugging here and there on their jackets and finger combing their hair, etc loll it was…kinda weird to see it happening in front of us. ChanTaec were having a conversation while ppl pulled on their jackets and hair, completely unfazed lulz. Taec must have said something funny cause Chan starting laughing~ ♥ Junsu was leaning on a coat rack on his phone, I WASN’T SURPRISED AT ALL lmaoo.

We ofc were still sitting there like O_________O I could tell the other girls had their phones out taking pics/vids whatever but my phone is lame and can’t do that. ㅠㅠ and they told us not to take pics so i couldn’t get my camera out D;

So after a while of this happening they walked around the backdrop and did their intro, “hello this is 2pm and here we are in Cheongju at the Sung-an store~ blah-di-blah, this has been 2pm~” they must have been filming it cause there’s no way the ppl outside could have heard them.

And then the guy told us: “Ok, go!” Just like that, so we all got up, and I didn’t want to be the first one to walk around the backdrop so I lingered back a bit behind this other girl….

I remember thinking at the time that I hoped Chan wasn’t in the middle….er I dunno why, but I didn’t want him to be in the middle and he probably wouldn’t be right? he’d definitely be on the end, I knew it in my head…. so of course when we walked around, Chansung was sitting in the middle =ㅅ= Junsu was on the left and Taec was on the right

We all kinda huddled together while the nepa guy explained to them that we won the fb thing and we’d be going first and 2pm just nodded and smiled and then the nepa guy told us to get in three lines, two each, bc we’re here for each member right? so we separated from our comfortable huddle and I’m in the front row, standing in front of Chanana x_x

….and we all just kinda stand there for 2 seconds like deer in headlights staring at them. and then Taec pipes up with a grin on his face: “오세요~” and beckons us forward L O L. [Please come forward~] For my entire life this will probably be my favorite Taec moment ever. I’m so glad he was there to MC us all around lmaooo X’D

So we went up to the table, and as soon as that happened it was like I had blinders on, I wouldn’t be able to tell you who was next to me or what they were saying to the other members if my life depended on it, bc honestly all I could see was bright yellow Chansung in front of me and his big eyes looking at me ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

I gave him my hat and said hello and then the first thing I said was “전 미국에서 왔어요…” [I’m from America] and he was like, “Where?…Oh really?” and then he asked what my name was which really threw me off for some reason. I dunno why it didn’t occur to me that they would ask our names. DUH. ofc they would. but uh. my name isn’t korean….eff.


“네? 미….” [what? Mi…]

“Michelle, 미쉘~~”

“…Oh, Michelle??” [lmao, i’ll never forget how he said my name, what an adorable accent X’D You could practically see the light bulb go off in his head when he realized what I was saying lolllll (Trying to type out the accent is pretty impossible. Mee-shelle doesn’t do it justice lmao.)]


And then without even batting an eye he started writing it on my hat in English! Which shocked me again, but of course he’d write it in English, how else would he write it? loll, and yet, i was shocked again~

He said every letter out loud as he was writing it, “M-i-c-….” and then he looked up at me and asked: “h…e-l…?” And I jumped in and helped him spell the rest of my name, “h-e-l-l-e~” Which required me to lean in so he could hear me and so I could supervise ofc~ REQUIRED.

And then he signed it and handed it to me~ and I stuck out my hand for a handshake because I was NOT leaving there before i got to at least touch him ;A; But I felt a little bad because he immediately dropped the pen that he was holding to shake my hand ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ and i grabbed him with both hands ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

And somewhere in there I told him he had a lot of foreign fans lmao. wtf. hope i wasn’t rambling.

I remember when he started his “M-i-c…” In my shock all I could think was “omg you beautiful boy ;A;” and being completely amazed that he even knew how to spell that much… And his handwriting is so clear and cute! ㅠㅠㅠㅠ /spaz spaz spaz

We had to leave after getting our signature so clutching my hat I sort of walked/drifted/floated out of the store, but not before looking back at the table like *o*

And that state continued for a long time, I walked around the block in a daze and came back and sat on a curb about 50 ft from the mob in front of nepa and just collected myself X’D watching all the fangirls, occasionally screaming for who knows what reason, maybe one of them waved or smiled or just sneezed or something lollll

And this older lady came out with a signature and was spazzing and I asked her who she got a sign from and she said Taecyeon. Then she told me: “My daughter really likes Wooyoung, but he didn’t come to Cheongju, so I went and bought these pants and got a sign from Taecyeon, I really like Taecyeon~” and she was spazzing so much lmaoooo we spazzed together after I showed her my hat :3

And i took a pic of her signature~

Apparently she did the thing where she went down on her knees and put her arms on the table, and she asked him: “It’s weird if i do this because I’m older right?” but he apparently said: “No, I like it~!”

L O L ofc you do Taec, you and all your ahjumma fans ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ mom’s love Taec it’s so funny.

Then I couldn’t bring myself to leave so I sat there and watched the chaos for a while, and then i eventually walked over and joined the mob to see if i could see anything. Apparently I had good timing because it was just before they finished and were going to leave. I saw one of the girls who’d won the fb event with me, she apparently went TWICE. cause she went to Junsu for the fb hat signing, THEN she’d bought something so she could go to the regular fansigning….for Junsu….again. X’D i love it. I took a pic of her second signature loll

Their van somehow drove up to the front of the store again and they all came out and jumped in~ Taec did a little wave before getting in ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

I took one -short- video~


…..and then the van just backed out and left ㅋ some girls followed it but I decided it was time to go haha~

ANYWAY IT WAS AWESOME. Even if any actual interaction, all together was less than 5 mins X’D

I realized later that I got the first signature from Chansung at this Cheongju NEPA fansigning~~!! X3

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Impromptu game of Scattergories

The computer in a class of second year boys was broken leaving me with not much to do...luckily i'd been planning to try out the game "Scattergories" in class for a while, which meant I was prepared on how to explain it and set it up. Anyway it went over real well once they figured out what they had to do XD

So I put them in teams of about 5 students, and gave them 5 categories and in the first round the letter: S
Which turned out normal, whatever. THEN i started the second round with the categories:
1. Boys Name
2. Something you wear
3. Singer
4. Something that smells bad (THIS WAS A REAL WINNER)
5. TV Show

And gave them the letter H

Best answers were definitely for "Something that smells bad" cause they were having a lot of trouble thinking of something..but for having such a hard time, they had amazing answers at the end. And each team had a different answer XD

-"Hong 어"?
-"Hospital Toilet"
-"Hair smell"
-"Hamster Poo"
and my favorite:
-"Hongdonggu's foot smell"


lolll i love this game.

Honorable mention as far as answers go:
Tv Show: "history chaner" "home video"
something you wear: "hot sweater"

Probably funnier still was the way I was counting their points. I figured if i asked each team to read their answers outloud, other teams might be inclined to change their answers if they heard an answer the same as theirs, so instead I asked ONE BOY from each team to bring their paper to the front.

Which started ok, until more of them decided to come up and cram around me and peer over my shoulder at what the answers were XD Which just disintegrated into me being stuck right in the middle of this huge swarm of boys all trying to see what was happening. I kinda felt like i was in the front row at a bare knuckle boxing match or something, and they were all shouting and placing bets. lololol i dunno.

It was great though cause I had this white board marker which was really final when i crossed out answers that were the same so it was quite dramatic LOL

this game is awesome. totally want to use it again in other classes.

In other news, I guess "my husband" isn't feeling "terrible" because "i see you" anymore -___-
Brat. I was walking up the stairs when a wall of 3rd years came walking down and while trying to carve a path through "my husband" decided he was going to sit on the steps RIGHT IN FRONT OF WHERE I WAS WALKING and then just be all: "hello~" XD what a brat. I suppose i married a bi-polar person *le sigh*


Monday, May 16, 2011

Random moments

Standing in the elevator waiting for the doors to close when a first year boy jumped in before he saw me. Then it was an awkward "hello" and I asked him if he was allowed to ride the elevator to which he replied: "Secret!" And when I pointed out there was a camera in the elevator he immediately jumped into the corner and pressed up against the wall like he was a secret agent. XDD

On Teachers' Day, in addition to my obligatory rose for just being a teacher, my "boyfriend" (self proclaimed, third year mediocre english student) ran up TWICE to give me an extra rose, so i got three XD Then later we had this coversation at lunch:
‎"Teacher, three flowers yes?"
"haha yes, i remember" *thumbs up*
"Three flowers" *points to himself* "is my heart, Ok?"
"Oh...ok." *nodding*
"I am rich!"


Also walking in on Teachers' Day to find out a first year boy had left a carnation on my desk X3 Probably was told to by his mom, but still ㅋㅋ

Spending the last few minutes of class discussing Portal and Portal 2 with some of my favorite students in my favorite class. High level first year boys.
Boy: "The cake!"
Me: "But the cake is a lie! It's a lie!!"

Boy: "Glaados is a potato."
Me: "But a potato isn't scary."
Boy: "Yes."
Me: "Like Mr. Potato Head?"
Boy: "Yes! Like Mr. Potato Head!"

Some of the best answers on students' "bucket lists"
I want to...
-Drive a unicorn
-See a UFO, Ride a UFO, Make a UFO
-Touch the Sun
-Buy China
-Be a Power Ranger (green)
-Be a ninja
-Throw a ninja star, shoot a gun, talk to a baby
-Meet Rain, Married Rain
-Kill my sister
-Kill my brother
-Kick the bucket
-Be the King of England (XD I told him he should brush up on his English)
-Eat people
-Go to Gay Bar
-Have 97 kids
-Eat all the chocolate in the world
-Drink alcohol all day
-etc etc etc (that's all i can think of off the top of my head atm)

lol, i feel like there are so many random moments i want to keep track of, but i always forget everything -__-

So maybe i'll try to keep doing this at least, so i use this...sorta and have a place to remember these things


Monday, April 11, 2011

more student work: inventions

alright, i have obviously not been using this, but i wanted to write down the stuff my students are "inventing" cause they're hilarious and a fb status is not big enough. XD

random post so i can remember their inventions lulz. these are just the highlights though. Italics are my own comments ;D

Class 101 (boys, mid-high level)

Company Name: MarBoRu (dunno if they were meaning to spell the company name correctly, or what XD)
Invention name: Fire Cigarette (have a button)
What does it do?: Click a button, it hold fire at the cigarette. It's simple.
Why is it good?: It's potable (portable?) cigarette and simple.
How much does it cost?: 1,000,000,000 dollars (a billion of dollars)
Picture: kinda looks like a recorder with only three buttons. one end is spewing flames like a rocket. The three buttons are labeled as "button (open fire)" "button (close fire)" "button (water)" dunno what you would need the water for....

Company Name: Smile Robot
Invention Name: Yu Hyun Gu one of the two making this is named Yu Hyun Gu....so I guess they're making a robot after him? XD
What does it do?: If I say anything, it always smiles.
Why is it good?: It looks happy
No cost yet or picture....i dunno XD

One group invented a "cloaking spray" which I thought was pretty neat.

Another group invented a "smart black board"...which we kinda already have with the big touch screen tvs in some rooms, but the thing i liked about this one was the picture. Looks like everyone is wearing 3d glasses. teacher too XD

There are a lot of jumping/flying/fast shoes, but one pair stood out with their "Useful Shoes" which allow you to "jump high and not fall down. We can kick very fast and strong" But the thing that stood out the most in my opinion was the picture, which showed someone jumping in the air with what look like rocket shoes, and simultaneously kicking two soccer balls. AND on the other side, someone jumping over another person on the ground who had a huge X over them....XD

Class 205 (Boys, mid-high level)

Company Name: Beaver Company
Invention Name: Beaver pad (apparently it's a phone like the ipad)
What does it do?: We can see hologram in calling. We can move to beaver land.
Why is it good?: Small than Gallexy tab. Thin than Iphone.
How much does it cost? 1,500,000
Picture: looks like an ipad XD I think it's not finished

Company Name: S.C.
Invention Name: 5D computer
What does it do?: The 5D Computer can feel, smell, touch, see, hear.
Why is it good?: When you watch the soccer match, you can see near the player.
How much does it cost?: Million won.
Picture: shows a soccer field on tv with little dots, with an arrow to a tv with a big player on it XD

Company Name: Application
Invention Name: Nuclear Waste change to air mask
What does it do?: If nuclear waste flow in the air, then we breathe nuclear waste. this mask change nuclear waste
The rest is unfinished so far

Company Name: modern invention company
Invention Name: 3D simmulation call
What does it do?: If you tipe your friends or someone else in the machine your friend comes out in the screen in 3D so you could play with your friend.
Why is it good?: It is very useful when I do my homework. call simulation.
How much does it cost?: 3000000
Picture: unfinished

Company Name: Apurture Science
Invention Name: Helum Candy (I think they mean Helium XD)
What does it do?: It has very much helum, so when you eat it you can fly everywhere but, your voice is very strange for a moment.
Why is it good?: You can go every where. where you are (seems unfinished)
How much does it cost?:30,000\
Picture: IS GREAT. Shows a guy outside a maze popping a candy with the words "eat it!!" then they show him floating to the goal line XDD

Company Name: Fast Meal
Invention Name: Meal Gum
What does it do?: When we are busy. We can eat this gum very fast. It taste rice, kimchi, tuna, lobster, curry, milk, fruits...
Why is it good?: Because we can eat very fast when we are busy
How much does it cost?: Breakfast --> 2000 won, Lunch --> 1000 won, Dinner --> 3000 won, Dessert --> 500 won.
Picture: a breakdown of each meal gum XD

Company Name: Husik
Invention Name: Electric drink
What does it do?: One glass equal three bottle. One time drunk and it turn off you will be normal. (Apparently this is like an alcoholic drink in that when you drink it it is like 3 bottles of alcohol, but only while it's electrified, cause when you turn it "off" you're back to normal sober XD)
Why is it good?: Not unhealthy. Students can drink.
How much does it cost?: 9600 won
Picture: looks like a taser gun. o___o

Company Name: Asax
Invention Name: Haein machine
What does it do?: Throw the baseball. Play with Daewon. Anyway follow Daewon, baby program.
Why is it good?: Daewon is only love
How much does it cost?: 1 + 1 Servis (buy one get one free) 49,800 won
Picture: girl robot XD
Apparently they made a robot for their friend? I feel like this may be a real girl somewhere XD

Class 107 (girls, mid-high level)

Company Name: H & Y
Invention Name: Anywhere Door
That's as far as they got...i'm interested to find out about this one...

This, like other girls classes had a lot of similar things, flying hats, make up hair bands, earring mp3s, smart pencil cases, flying shoes, etc. Nothing that i really had to wonder at XD The boys make up quite strange things sometimes.

Class 105 (Boys, high level)

Company Name: Power Rizer
Invention Name: Delicious eraser (i think this is my favorite invention so far)
What does it do?: We can eat eraser, if we are hungry
Why is it good?: We eat delicious eraser, we are full.
How much does it cost?: \3,000
Picture: in the picture it shows a size comparison of person to eraser. It also lays out the different flavors the eraser is available in: Pizza, chicken, strawberry, banana, watermelon, bugger (booger?), rice, kimchi, phone, people, eraser, blood, milk, beaver? (can't read the last one)

Class 204 (Girls, low level)

Company Name: Pretty Cute Woman
Invention Name: WoW
What does it do?: If you take this medicine, you will get beautiful.
Why is it good?: Yes.
How much is it?: 5.000000
Picture: a pill with a butterfly on it and the word "Beautiful" XD

Some classes I had today had some pretty good ones, like a girls' class with a "sleep desk" Apparently in class you just push a button and a pillow comes out on your desk XD Another pair created a "vivation pillow" which would violently vibrate you awake in the morning instead of an alarm. It was good because "you will not wake up late" and had a great picture of someone being violently awakened XDD

More inventions expected the rest of this week X3