This was towards the end of the day though, so the students were probably more active than they would have been in the morning, but this is the best time anyway ;D
Oh, also I told them all i was taking the video for my mom...felt like that would make them more willing to talk to the camera than if i'd said: "I'm taking this video to show all my foreign friends what korean school children are like." ...but who knows, that might have worked too...
Next I'll get some pictures up that I took with some of them lol
Video 1: "Walking downstairs after class"
Video 2: "Random hallway happenings pt. 1"
Video 3: "Random hallway happenings pt. 2"
buahahahaaa, i had great fun with this, and with the pictures i took, which will come next time lolz. Some of them are just such camera lovers, girls AND boys XD
I feel so accomplished now having finally used my camera ;D NOT TO MENTION actually posting it online. wow...go me >D
HAHA they're so shy!! It's so cute XD