Korea: Version Me.0

Thursday, September 9, 2010

"It's getting better all the time..."

omg, so now almost done with a complete 2 weeks of class. Almost done with my first week of teaching an actual lesson from the book. Only 5 classes left tomorrow, then it’s on to a new lesson. I feel like I’ve only just gotten the hang of this one. >.< It’s gone through several changes since Monday lol. Now I have to make a new lesson D: I feel like I’m gonna be going through every week like this lol, scrambling to come up with something that works, tweaking it through the first couple days, finally falling into a rythym by mid week, polishing it on thurs (though…thurs has some difficult, aka rowdy, classes, so probably not much polish -__-) and then on Friday scrambling to think of what to do next week @__@ Each class is different, so it’s hard to really come up with lesson plans…for this weeks’ I’ve been able to make the activity easier or harder depending on: 1. how advanced the class is, and 2. how much time the first part of the lesson takes. The first half of this lesson comes directly from the book and the cd that comes with the book, so the first half is totally fine, I really like doing it actually XD THEN comes the second half where I have them play a game which involves much running around the room and in some cases a lot of yelling and pushing and shoving too lolol (boys classes mostly). Then with the last few minutes I challenge them with some tongue twisters. I like doing the first part and I like doing the tongue twisters, it’s just the activity which is a pain…lol and I thought of it in the first place. Meh. Next week I’ll try something else……..but what? Anyway, by now I’ve kind of established a rapport with some of the students lol. You know, the ones who aren’t afraid to speak up in class or come talk to me outside of class. Most of the students are pretty quiet and shy, but almost all of them will shout “HELLO” or “HI” at me while walking through the hallways. Then there are those who are a little better at speaking, who will actually try to talk with me haha. Though, to be fair there’s also those who aren’t as good and they’ll come try to talk to me in packs, so they can bounce words off each other and make a conversation that way lol. Those conversations are filled with both Korean and English, and it's funny because for the most part, I can understand their Korean, but they don't know it. So I get the whole picture and know exactly what they want to say, but just sit there and watch them try to figure out how to say it >D BTW, these group conversations are almost always girls.....maybe even always girls.

But the individual students who talk to me are the best XD In one class there are two girls who are always together, they told me their names on the first day of class, and then EVERY DAY find me in the hall or in extra time and ask me what their names are lolol, so I know their names very well, but they're always impressed when i remember. I wonder how long this will last. Some of the other girls have started asking me to remember their names too, which...i hope doesn't lead to all of them asking me cause that could be impossible @__@ but so far, if they keep asking me, there's a good chance i'll have them all memorized haha.
There are a few boys that will talk to me. One boy in one of the advanced 1st grade (middle school 1st grade, my school has 1st and 2nd grades) asked me if people played "call of duty" in america. XD I told him, yes of course.

BUT the student that stands out MOST, the one who never fails to let his presence be known is Mr. Kim Yuna. lol. The first class i had with him in it, he introduced himself to me as kim yuna, then the next day he called himself michael jordan -__- His real name, which i finally know after days of just referring to him as kim yuna is kwang jin. That kid is loud. And he's in an advanced class, so he has a lot to say lol. He's always very quick to answer too. Some of the things he says all the time are: "Oh, no no.." or "Oh, of course." and a whole collection of other random things XD Plus he's in my extra English Conversation class, so i get to see him twice a week....yay.....lol, but he's really entertaining XD I wish more students would be like him actually, not afraid to just talk. It makes my job much easier anyway.

In any case, i'm getting more comfortable doing the lessons, so that's good. I've started a class journal, so I can remember which class is which. So far, most of the notes are like: "girls, small class, basic, active." or "boys class, big class, advanced, like games" Knowing which class i'm going to helps me think about how i'm going to do the lesson, whether i have to make it easier or harder. Now my only problem is coming up with more lesson plans D;

More later...including PICTURES, cause I finally got my alien registration card, so I should be able to use internet at hoooooommmeeee yay!

PS: I didn't think i'd write this much just now lol. I was planning on writing a short blurb XD


  1. i see that you are having a fabulous time inspiring the youth of korea. sounds like everyone doing epik has a lot of 회식s & are hanging out with their co-teachers/staff a lot.

    i'm interviewing for a few hagwon jobs within the next 2 weeks. can't wait to go back to korea!
