interesting things about my school, Yong Seong Middle School:
-The bells that sound the beginning and ending of classes aren't bells, but this cute little melody lol. Also the bell at the beginning of the day and at the end of the day is "fur elise" XD I was really surprised the first time I heard the bell ring
-When you walk into the teachers' bathroom, classical music starts playing lolol. I dunno if it's the same in the students' bathrooms, but at least in the teachers' bathroom it does that. Kinda nice haha
-My school is only 2 years old, so there are only the first and second grade of middle school here right now. The first graders have green name tags, the second graders have yellow name tags...I wonder what color the third grade name tags will be next year (aka starting in ...march? the school year starts then. Right now it's the second semester of this year)
-The first floor is where the administration office, principal's office, and main teacher's office with the vice principal (the one i'm in) are. The second floor is where the first graders are, the third floor is where the second graders are and the fourth floor, is where i'm assuming the third graders will be next year.
-Whenever teachers walk around, the students going by will always bow their heads and somtimes also say "anyeonghasaeyo" usually, sometimes while running by, running up or down the stairs, in the midst of chasing another student or throwing their slippers at each other...really in all states they do this.
-When I walk by some say "anyeonghasaeyo" others say "hi" or "hello" and some just bow their heads lol. I usually say hi/hello back. Though I've started saying "good morning!" or "good afternoon!" to see what happens XD You should see their faces, they look so confused lololol. Though today one girl said "good afternoon" to me so I'm counting it as a success. ;D
-At lunch we eat off of metal trays that have different divisions on them. Usually there is rice, some kind of soup, and three other foods, maybe kimchi, veggies and some kind of meat. Chopsticks and spoons only ;D The teachers eat in the middle (homeroom teachers will eat with their classes) and on one side are the second graders and on the other the first graders. Classes get to come to lunch at different times, it rotates every week.
-Btw, teachers totally get to cut in line. We just walk in whenever we want and get in front for trays and utensils ;D All the students just say hi or talk to the teachers about random things.
-All the classrooms have sliding doors and windows...It's really like in the cartoons lolol
-Everyone wears slippers at school, no outside shoes are worn inside. The teachers have shoe cubbies on the ground floor, the students put their shoes in their lockers. Slippers...they're very comfortable really.
-My school's uniforms are: (these are the summer uniforms)
boys: gray pants, white shirt with blue plaid collars, and trim.
girls: the same color plaid skirts, and the same shirts as the boys...but for girls lol. I've also seen some girls wearing a matching plaid tie with their shirts.
Their PE uniforms are just gray shirts and shorts with either green or yellow lining depending on their grade.
-Teachers wear....pretty much whatever they want ;D
-At the start of each day, when walking onto campus, there's always a teacher and some students that stand at the gate and greet everyone walking in. These teachers and students seem to rotate every week or every few days.
-All the teachers talk to each other by "cool messenger" ...but i have yet to really figure it out/talk to or need to talk to anyone on it. The icon is a penguin lolol, COOL messenger get it? XD
-The boys and girls at my school are separated into boys and girls classes. Guess
which are better...-___- The girls are waaay better lolol, but the more advanced boys classes can be hilarious. Really, there are only a couple boys classes that i find...difficult lol. They're usually the lower level boys who are just loud and give up cause they don't understand. -___-
The girls are just easier to impress maybe lol. Some of the more active/loud girls classes always have a million questions to ask me haha XD
-One of my advanced boys first grade classes always stands together and bows to me at the end of class (normal in school i think, but they're the only class that does it for me lol) But instead of saying "bye" they say "I love you teacher!" XDDD I like the higher level classes, I can talk to them more easily. This includes humor to some extent XD
-Both boys and girls like to scream "hello teacher!!!" at me at school, but girls are more likely to do it on the street. At lunch, when I go into the "english lab" where students can check out english books, there will often be a swarm of girls who will come in and talk to me lol. Sometimes the boys will talk to me, but not much. And neither will ever talk to me when the other gender is talking to me. They really don't like to mix much lol. It's like pulling teeth trying to get them to mingle during my extra class (the only co-ed class i have)
-THEY'RE ALL SO FUNNY/CUTE/GREAT though, I get a kick out of them everyday lolol. Especially as time goes on and they get more comfortable with me. There were always the ones that would come up and talk to me enthusiastically, now that number is increasing, so that's good. ;D
That's all for now...
lol, maybe next next week (cause next week is chuseok, aka korean thanksgiving, and we get every day but monday off >D) I'll bring my camera and try to interview some of the more talkative students X3 Or at least get some (more) pictures ;D