So the first time I finally saw LEDApple live and all together was their performance in Lotte World last Saturday (120211)
They came on first and did Time is Up and were basically awesome. We were in the third row and next to the aisle so we had a CLEAR SHOT of themㅋ After that song they talked with the MC for a bit and Jess had this amazing LEDApple sign that was clearly visable from the stage and Hanbyul looked over and saw it and totally waved at us!!!
From that moment on I decided I was a fan for life X'D And in MY opinion, they were all looking at the sign, they all loved it i'm sure. Kwangyeon kept looking over at it I'm SURE...Jess is less sure lolll but that's my story and I'm sticking with it. He kept pointing at the sign with his bass but he would also scan the whole crowd with it so...no he was totally pointing at the sign, he kept coming back to it haha~~
They were so cute~
Their second song: 어쩌다 마주친
as poorly recorded by me from the third row~ I love their dorky dancing X'D
my favorite part is 2:46~ <3
It was a concert with a lot of other artists at it, so I don't know how many LEDApple fans were actually there. Jess' sign was so obviously for them and we were close enough they could easily see it, so I'm so glad everything went the way it did X33
The next day we tried to get into inkigayo with the other LEDA's but we were about 10 people too late D; But while we were waiting Youngjun tweeted a pic of them inside the building making these little packs of chocolate for valentine's dayㅋㅋ
he said they were making them for us~ and then a bit later, a staff member brought them out and we all got chocolate from them ;~~~; it was so cute and sweet and I reaffirmed my "fan for life" decision.
The activity cards we got had the cutest little stamps on themㅋㅋㅋ so cute, ugh i just loved everything about the ledapple weekend (minus the not getting into inkigayo thing)
it says "I heart LEDA"ㅋㅋㅋㅋ sooo cute~ (LEDA is the name of the fanclub)
anyway we were going to go to the mini fanmeeting they were holding after inkigayo anyway so we hung out in a cafe next to the sbs building and sadly watched inkigayo on tv ㅠ.ㅠ
the redappurr fanmeeting was the best ;~~;
We were sitting on the steps in this random PARK. and they showed up and stood in front of us with little mini megaphonesㅋ they were so cute and funny ㅋㅋㅋ it was awesome~
EXCEPT for the one girl RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME who had a sign and kept holding it up/waving it around, so i couldn't really see them all at once =ㅅ= but still. some of the things they talked about:
The fanchant, they were commenting on how the fans either -were- saying them more aggressively than they thought or -should- be from now on, i can't rememberㅋ but they demonstrated lolll, first they did it "time's up UP UP" kinda high-pitched and weak and then again "time's up UP UP" really loud, scary almost like an orc from lord of the rings or something X'D And then the next part "You u u u u~" they did it the same way, all scary lollll so idk if they were commending the fans on being that way or asking us to BE like that. I think Youngjun also said he'd always wanted to get a group of fans all headbanging at the same time, so they said we should do the actions along with the words, so headbanging to "UP UP" and then the spirit fingers (lmao) for the "you u u u u" partㅋ
Kyumin kept stepping out and criticizing us for being more like reporters than fans bc everyone, EVERYONE had a camera loll.
At one point a mother daughter pair was pointed out and Hanbyul asked which one was the fanㅋㅋ and Hyoseok said: "They're both fans of course!!" and then the two of them started jumping around in celebration loll. They asked them who they were a fan of and they both said Kwangyeon apparently, so he said hi to them and then said "아싸~" and did a little dance lolll i want to do the "assa~" dance to celebrate any and everything from now on X'DD And then he started trying to shuffle dance which...sorta worked loll
Omg he was just too cute X'D No wonder he's got a lot of fansㅋ
They pulled numbers out of a box for prizes which happened to be signed polaroids D; one was of Keonu and Kyumin and ugghhhh i really wanted that one but i'm pretty sure that girlll with her SIGN right in front of me won it >O
Kyumin was reallly cruel when he read out his number, he was last. and the way he read it, (it makes more sense in korean but-) Two--------enty------seven-----------next. AKA 28.
The fans were all crying at him and he was like: It's more fun this way :D
...no. lolll that's so mean X'D
At the same time, Chaos? some other group was having a fanmeeting on the other side of the park haha, and they must have finished because they came walking by and the two groups were greeting each other and saying hi, and Chaos started a ledapple chant as they went by hahaa, then ledapple started singing their song X'D "see you later!" etc. Other than that, at random points regular ppl using the park would walk by and they'd kinda shift out of the way for them loll, oh ledapple....still so unknownㅋ
They also announced they're gonna have their own show soon!!! on mtv~ Called "LED" sooooo i'm excited to actually SEE THEM in something X3 Also apparently Hanbyul said he was gonna be hosting mnet? :O they're gonna start becoming relevant soon and idk if i'll be able to see them again like this D: But...that's good anyway.
bit of them talking XD
SO. At the end we were gonna be able to go up and meet them and get handshakes from all of them !!!! X3 We went up one row at a time~~
They're so tall @___@
While we were waiting i saw some girl must have asked Kyumin to do his hand swipe move from the dance for her cause he did it right there in front of her and everyone died a little bit inside for not thinking of asking him to do it first lolll....damnit. whatever, i had my own issues with him X'D
FIRST, Kyumin~ (AKA 188cm Oppar)
So I wasn't going to ask for hugs or anything until i got to the end where Hanbyul was cause i figured it would be less awkward since he knew english lolll BUT. the girl in front of me got a hug from Kyumin....and i was looking directly at him when he hugged her and I'm pretty sure my face was kinda like :O so I think he could tell what was coming lolll. But i think i scared him poor thing, I went up and immediately was like: "HELLO. I'M FROM AMERICA~ I LOVE YOU!" While shaking his hand, and he was kind of like..."Oh...hello!" but I think english still baffles him a bit, so I was like; "Can i have a hug too?" And he I think...maybe said hug in Korean back to me loll, there was a moment of confusion, but I made the hug motion a couple times and he was like "ok~" and although he was being very delicate with the hug I didn't let him get away with that and kinda squished him and even beat his back a bit X'D and afterwards I told him he was really cool and I liked his hair lolll i think he was still...a bit out of it ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ poor thing.
Anyway, next was Youngjun (AKA Guitarist) and he actually really impressed me in person :O I did the whole "Hello~ I'm from America~ n___n" thing and he said "oh, hello~ nice to meet you" and i told him "you are very cool~" and he said: "Oh thank you~ You are very pretty~" ........ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ so I told him: "oh~~ thanks, you too~ ;D" and there were laughs all around X'D I can see why he's the leader, he struck me as very calm, cool, collectedㅋ and especially after Kyumin he was not thrown by my english so that was impressive hahaa. Also i was kinda out of it when i shook Kyumin's hand but I'd kinda collected myself by the time i got to Youngjun and so i noticed they all had hand warmers and his hand was nice and warm and awesome. Also i really liked his scarf + leather jacket combo. OVERALL I WAS IMPRESSED BY YOUNGJUN.
NEXT. Kwangyeon. (AKA Bassist) umg this kid is so cute lolll. I said: "Hello I'm from America~" and he said: OH HELLO. NICE TO MEET YOU. "Nice to meet you too! n___n" IT IS VERY COLD. "yeah! It is really cold D:" and then i told him they were really awesome and he said THANK YOU~ lmao. he's so cute I can't.
next~~ KEONU ;~~~~~~~~~~; (AKA DJ/Keyboardist) wow. he's just so cool. he just looks sooo cool. too cool for school man. (Rikki was right lolll) BUT when we were going through he was wearing these awesome sunglasses so 1. he looked even more cool. but 2. we couldn't see his eyes D; So I said: "Hi~ I'm from America~ nice to meet you~~" and actually he surprised me bc he asked me : "Are you Korean?" so I told him, "I'm half~" and i asked him if i could have a hug and then i squished him too~ then i told him his sunglasses were really coolㅋㅋ and I just...ugh he was so cool. LOL that's all I can say about him. also his ears....they're so big X'D and he's SO TALL. THEY'RE ALL SO TALL. ok ok...ok
Next~ Hyoseok~!! (AKA Drummer) Hyoseok was so funnyㅋㅋ He bowed and said "Annyeonghasaeyo~" to me first and then I told him I was from America and he was like: "OH I DON'T SPEAK ENGLISH WELL." and I told him "Oh! You sound great!" and he motioned to Hanbyul, the last in line and said: "HE SPEAKS ENGLISH VERY WELL" l o l But the whole time, or almost the whole time he was still shaking my hand lolll like, the others it was a handshake and then they'd let go and i'd talk to them for a bit but Hyoseok wouldn't let go of my hand, so i was standing there shaking his hand for idk...30 seconds or something X'D and the girl ahead of me was still talking to Hanbyul, so I was asking Hyoseok about the pirate mask he was holding...(i don't even know, lolol a fan maybe gave it to him) and he held it up over his face loll.
Last. Hanbyul (AKA: JASON JANG) ㅋ he'd looked over when Hyoseok motioned at him, so he started off greeting me in English not Korean, in his beautiful Australian accentㅋ
HB: Hey, How are you~
Me: Great~ So, my friend told me Australians give really good hugs...is that true?
HB: (and here he actually kinda looked surprised for a second) Oh! Uh, ok haha~
And he gave me a hug BUT he never really answered the question...i suppose that was his answer? or i was supposed to decide for myself? idk.
HB: So where are you from?
Me: California
HB: California? Oh I have a cousin in Chicago
Me: Oh? Yeah..they're not really close (WHY DID I SAY THAT. WHYYY DID I SAY THAT, WHY WAS I BEING MEAN TO JASON JANG ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ)
but by then things were kinda moving along, so I was about to go and he reached out again for a handshake and asked
HB: Sorry, what's your name?
Me: Michelle~! n____n
HB: Michelle, and how did you hear about us?
Me: I saw you! On a music show
HB: Ah ok~ Well it was nice meeting you!
Me: n______n
but i still kick myself for that, why did i say that D; ughhhh why. i was doing so well and then the end ㅠ.ㅠ I would say i hope he won't remember me but at the same time i hope he remembers me lolll ah well...
Jess says when she got to him the first thing he asked her was "are you Japanese?" but he asked in English lolll so..yeah, and apparently when she told him she was from California he pointed at me and said: "oh the same place as her?" SO he remembered me for at least 30 seconds lmao.
SIGH. it was awesome though....overall 8D Best day~ Well it would have been better if we'd gotten into Inkigayo but still...NEXT WEEK.
when they left they all piled into their van and were leaning out the doors/windows/sunroof waving at us. Hyoseok kept poking his head out of the sunroof loll it was so cute. Their manager had a video camera and seemed to be filming for their show that's coming up....eeee what if we're in itㅋ
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