Korea: Version Me.0

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Korean student vs. American student (a few points)

Hmmm....so i wrote this yesterday during my extra class but didn't post it...I think i was gonna add more, but i'm lazy lol. So this was in real-time when i wrote it yesterday!


wow, so i gave my kids free study time for the second hour of my extra class, and guess what....they're ACTUALLY studying...it's amazing. They're silent except for some quiet talking, but i can hear them, and they're totally talking about some math problems. I mean, I knew that the kids here were different than at home, but i'm still surprised at times.... They're just such good kids for the most part o____o

Another example: I have to cross a crosswalk to get to school in the morning and it's one of the only crosswalks i've ever seen in korea that has a button to push when you want to cross the street. So I was walking up towards it one morning, and I could see that it was currently letting people cross, so i was a bit irked that I missed the crossing by only that much, but there was a group of my boy students who were crossing as i was walking up, and they looked back and saw me approaching the crosswalk, so they pushed the button for me as they got to the other side :D How nice!! I could tell because when the button has been pushed, they light up on both sides of the street. Anyway that just made my morning and i wasn't mad about missing the light anymore lol. I just feel like that's something that would never happen in America :P

Also my students are always giving me food/candy. One time this girl gave me a Chupa Chup lollipop and another time this girl gave me a full on chestnut. XD It was still hot when she gave it to me. And there was another time when I was waiting at the bus stop by my school to go downtown. This was on a Saturday and the saturday school had just got out, so the area was swarming with my students >.< I didn't realize that was the worst possible time to try to bus anywhere (all the schools were getting out, the bus was PACKED). Anyway, I was at the stop and some of my boy students also came to wait for busses. They'd bought crackers at the mart and one of them offered me one. But it's not just that they offer it to you, it was the way they offer things that makes it so nice. Cause in Korea you give things to people higher ranking than you (age, job, school year, etc) with two hands and it's very respectful and all that. So i'm always just extra touched when they offer me things X3

Plus they're always saying hi and bowing to teachers....actually they're really supposed to say "hi" to teachers, so many times i see a kid running by either being really late or in some kind of pain and he's always yelling out "annyeonghasaeyo-annyeonghasaeyo-annyeonghasaeyo!!" as he's going by a few teachers lol. It's pretty much second nature to them.

I dunno, students in korea are just a lot more mindful and respectful I suppose. Not that the students in America are really that bad, though some are, but the ones are...in such a way that it really stands out and is noticeable.

They're just so darn cute! lol it's great. :3

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