We had our school festival today!! It was a lot of fun~ ...but i'm too lazy to write about it now, but i felt bad about not posting anything for a while, so I'm gonna post two videos from the performances at the festival. I think these are my favorite performances ;D
BTW, school festivals are awesome~!
1. Second year boy dances Shinee's "Lucifer" dance solo. HE GOT SO MANY CHEERS FROM STUDENTS -AND- TEACHERS hahaha. He was clearly a favorite. I never knew he was such a dancer though. Apparently he put on a great solo dance last semester too...I can't wait til next semester XD
2. Five second year boys, introduced as the "F5" (lol) dance DBSK's "Mirotic" These are the "cool" kids among the second year boys, or some of them anyway. In Korea, this also means they're the smart kids haha, so I know these boys a little better, since they can actually talk to me. They also get interviewed by the MC, another student, at the end haha.
Tomorrow is Sports Day! Super excited ;D
I'll make REAL posts...eventually. I have a lot of pictures/videos!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Oh wait, duh.
Discovered on tumblr.
2pm's new concept is based on:
"Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome.
-Incredibly observant person
OF COURSE IT IS. Suddenly it all makes sense.

lol, I love the internet ;D
2pm's new concept is based on:
"Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome.
-Incredibly observant person
OF COURSE IT IS. Suddenly it all makes sense.
lol, I love the internet ;D
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
It's 2pm! ...actually it's 7:42....
Well, 2pm has a new mini-album and single, so everything else is pretty much irrelevant...*cough* XDD
The music video haha, at first I was like: WTF? WHAT IS THIS?
but now I love it lolol. ESPECIALLY the lulzy choreography and raccoon guyliner XDD
Yeah ;D
Lol, and i kept thinking while watching it "Waa~ Junho, look how important you are now!"
But yeah...if you want to see futuristic....construction workers...or something...
Military futurism....coal miners in the future...ON INVISIBLE TREADMILLS.... i dunno LOL
2PM - I'll Be Back
Anyway, as a whole, their new album is AWESOME. X3 Must buy it when it comes out...and after i find a music store in cheongju ;D
The music video haha, at first I was like: WTF? WHAT IS THIS?
but now I love it lolol. ESPECIALLY the lulzy choreography and raccoon guyliner XDD
Yeah ;D
Lol, and i kept thinking while watching it "Waa~ Junho, look how important you are now!"
But yeah...if you want to see futuristic....construction workers...or something...
Military futurism....coal miners in the future...ON INVISIBLE TREADMILLS.... i dunno LOL
2PM - I'll Be Back
Anyway, as a whole, their new album is AWESOME. X3 Must buy it when it comes out...and after i find a music store in cheongju ;D
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Pics + Videos Update!
More pictures! These are pics from October so far (Also some from the end of september - Chuseok)
Main Points:
Chuseok trip to Sandang Sanseong: the fortress in Cheongju. It was a beautiful day and we could see great views of the city from there. I went with other Epik teachers in Cheongju ;D
Trip to Chungju for the Martial Arts Festival: but...it was raining. -___- Still, we saw some cool things :D Went with Epik teachers
School trip to Daejeon Science Museum: Went with classes 5 and 6 from the first grade. Putting the pics of my students from that trip into the "students" folder instead of here ;D
Random pics of school/Cheongju: Including Teachers' Sports Day haha. After the first day of midterms, all the teachers got together to eat, drink, and play kickball XD Fun times.
Only a few more pics of my students from the fieldtrip in this album:
My students
Funniest Pencil Case EVER
Exactly what it sounds like. XD
Between classes, Girls
Another pencil case and attempted interviewing lol
Boys Playing Badminton After School
Lately all the students have been playing a lot of badminton, so I finally decided to take a video
Girls Playing Badminton After School
I also discovered where the girls play badminton!
Teachers Playing Kickball XD
Lol, My team was "batting"
Lining up in the morning for the field trip
The classes line up together. I decided to wander amongst them and try to get them to talk to me lol
Counting Off Attendance
MY FAVORITE VIDEO. lol, I love this. This was a second attempt though, usually on the first try, sonmeone wouldn't be paying attention and they'd have to start over XD
WOO. BIG UPDATE. I should do this all gradually, so I don't have to do such big uploads everytime @___@
Main Points:
Chuseok trip to Sandang Sanseong: the fortress in Cheongju. It was a beautiful day and we could see great views of the city from there. I went with other Epik teachers in Cheongju ;D
Trip to Chungju for the Martial Arts Festival: but...it was raining. -___- Still, we saw some cool things :D Went with Epik teachers
School trip to Daejeon Science Museum: Went with classes 5 and 6 from the first grade. Putting the pics of my students from that trip into the "students" folder instead of here ;D
Random pics of school/Cheongju: Including Teachers' Sports Day haha. After the first day of midterms, all the teachers got together to eat, drink, and play kickball XD Fun times.
Only a few more pics of my students from the fieldtrip in this album:
My students
Funniest Pencil Case EVER
Exactly what it sounds like. XD
Between classes, Girls
Another pencil case and attempted interviewing lol
Boys Playing Badminton After School
Lately all the students have been playing a lot of badminton, so I finally decided to take a video
Girls Playing Badminton After School
I also discovered where the girls play badminton!
Teachers Playing Kickball XD
Lol, My team was "batting"
Lining up in the morning for the field trip
The classes line up together. I decided to wander amongst them and try to get them to talk to me lol
Counting Off Attendance
MY FAVORITE VIDEO. lol, I love this. This was a second attempt though, usually on the first try, sonmeone wouldn't be paying attention and they'd have to start over XD
WOO. BIG UPDATE. I should do this all gradually, so I don't have to do such big uploads everytime @___@
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Korean student vs. American student (a few points)
Hmmm....so i wrote this yesterday during my extra class but didn't post it...I think i was gonna add more, but i'm lazy lol. So this was in real-time when i wrote it yesterday!
wow, so i gave my kids free study time for the second hour of my extra class, and guess what....they're ACTUALLY studying...it's amazing. They're silent except for some quiet talking, but i can hear them, and they're totally talking about some math problems. I mean, I knew that the kids here were different than at home, but i'm still surprised at times.... They're just such good kids for the most part o____o
Another example: I have to cross a crosswalk to get to school in the morning and it's one of the only crosswalks i've ever seen in korea that has a button to push when you want to cross the street. So I was walking up towards it one morning, and I could see that it was currently letting people cross, so i was a bit irked that I missed the crossing by only that much, but there was a group of my boy students who were crossing as i was walking up, and they looked back and saw me approaching the crosswalk, so they pushed the button for me as they got to the other side :D How nice!! I could tell because when the button has been pushed, they light up on both sides of the street. Anyway that just made my morning and i wasn't mad about missing the light anymore lol. I just feel like that's something that would never happen in America :P
Also my students are always giving me food/candy. One time this girl gave me a Chupa Chup lollipop and another time this girl gave me a full on chestnut. XD It was still hot when she gave it to me. And there was another time when I was waiting at the bus stop by my school to go downtown. This was on a Saturday and the saturday school had just got out, so the area was swarming with my students >.< I didn't realize that was the worst possible time to try to bus anywhere (all the schools were getting out, the bus was PACKED). Anyway, I was at the stop and some of my boy students also came to wait for busses. They'd bought crackers at the mart and one of them offered me one. But it's not just that they offer it to you, it was the way they offer things that makes it so nice. Cause in Korea you give things to people higher ranking than you (age, job, school year, etc) with two hands and it's very respectful and all that. So i'm always just extra touched when they offer me things X3
Plus they're always saying hi and bowing to teachers....actually they're really supposed to say "hi" to teachers, so many times i see a kid running by either being really late or in some kind of pain and he's always yelling out "annyeonghasaeyo-annyeonghasaeyo-annyeonghasaeyo!!" as he's going by a few teachers lol. It's pretty much second nature to them.
I dunno, students in korea are just a lot more mindful and respectful I suppose. Not that the students in America are really that bad, though some are, but the ones are...in such a way that it really stands out and is noticeable.
They're just so darn cute! lol it's great. :3
wow, so i gave my kids free study time for the second hour of my extra class, and guess what....they're ACTUALLY studying...it's amazing. They're silent except for some quiet talking, but i can hear them, and they're totally talking about some math problems. I mean, I knew that the kids here were different than at home, but i'm still surprised at times.... They're just such good kids for the most part o____o
Another example: I have to cross a crosswalk to get to school in the morning and it's one of the only crosswalks i've ever seen in korea that has a button to push when you want to cross the street. So I was walking up towards it one morning, and I could see that it was currently letting people cross, so i was a bit irked that I missed the crossing by only that much, but there was a group of my boy students who were crossing as i was walking up, and they looked back and saw me approaching the crosswalk, so they pushed the button for me as they got to the other side :D How nice!! I could tell because when the button has been pushed, they light up on both sides of the street. Anyway that just made my morning and i wasn't mad about missing the light anymore lol. I just feel like that's something that would never happen in America :P
Also my students are always giving me food/candy. One time this girl gave me a Chupa Chup lollipop and another time this girl gave me a full on chestnut. XD It was still hot when she gave it to me. And there was another time when I was waiting at the bus stop by my school to go downtown. This was on a Saturday and the saturday school had just got out, so the area was swarming with my students >.< I didn't realize that was the worst possible time to try to bus anywhere (all the schools were getting out, the bus was PACKED). Anyway, I was at the stop and some of my boy students also came to wait for busses. They'd bought crackers at the mart and one of them offered me one. But it's not just that they offer it to you, it was the way they offer things that makes it so nice. Cause in Korea you give things to people higher ranking than you (age, job, school year, etc) with two hands and it's very respectful and all that. So i'm always just extra touched when they offer me things X3
Plus they're always saying hi and bowing to teachers....actually they're really supposed to say "hi" to teachers, so many times i see a kid running by either being really late or in some kind of pain and he's always yelling out "annyeonghasaeyo-annyeonghasaeyo-annyeonghasaeyo!!" as he's going by a few teachers lol. It's pretty much second nature to them.
I dunno, students in korea are just a lot more mindful and respectful I suppose. Not that the students in America are really that bad, though some are, but the ones are...in such a way that it really stands out and is noticeable.
They're just so darn cute! lol it's great. :3
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Music Time!
Today I ran into Duck Boy, and he jumped right into "HiByeHiByeHiBye" Before I even knew he was there.....he's learning...

Anyway...I've decided to do a video spam of all the songs that have invaded my life since I got to Korea...most of them are songs I heard after I got here, some are songs that I'd heard before but due to hearing them a million times after arriving they really remind me of my first month-ish here.
These are in no particular order, EXCEPT FOR THE FIRST ONE because I heard this song...I think everyday for a week at least after I got here and it will forever remind me of the beginning of my stay in Korea.
MC Mong - 죽을 만큼 아파서 (Sick (?) enough to die)
Uhm....also this song is amazing. :P
FT Island - 사랑 사랑 사랑(Love Love Love)
omg, I love love love this song....and yes I partially meant to do that, but mostly I actually love love love this song. <3 Plus the video's pretty cool~ SE7EN - Better Together
휘성 - 결혼까지 생각했어 (I even thought of marriage)
Everytime I hear this song I want to sing along XD
Taeyang - I'll Be There
Like...zombie...vampires...or something XD But I love the song....also I love taeyang.
Sistar - 가식걸
I really didn't like their first song...but this one gets stuck in my head >.< Big Bang - Beautiful Hangover
It's in Japanese....oh well~ I love this video...mysterious random moving circles haha
Supreme Team ft. 영준 - 왜 (why)
Newer addition to my constant soundtrack
SE7EN - Digital Bounce
I didn't like this song much at first, but it's really grown on me...I love when TOP comes in XD
Rainbow - A
I dunno if this is the group that's supposed to have the really really young girls in it or not, but this song is caaaatchy.
G.NA - 꺼져 줄게 잘 살아 (I'll back off so you can live)
Great song~
DJ DOC - 난이런 사람이야 (I'm a guy like this)
This song is pretty new, but already I really like it....I was iffy at first, but it got viciously stuck in my head:
Miss A - Breathe
Of course, I really reallllly liked their first song, but since I'd known about it before i came here, I'll post this version instead....which is amaaaazing. ;D
Miss A - Bad Girl Good Girl...?
I caught this on tv when it was happening. Chuseok special XD
Now that i've gone completely overboard...*cough* I'm done! :D
Aaaand 2pm is making a comeback Oct 15 X3 Soooo, that's exciting X3333 Also Big Bang is supposed to be making a return to Korea sometime soon...this month? something....in other words, this month in music = YES.
Anyway...I've decided to do a video spam of all the songs that have invaded my life since I got to Korea...most of them are songs I heard after I got here, some are songs that I'd heard before but due to hearing them a million times after arriving they really remind me of my first month-ish here.
These are in no particular order, EXCEPT FOR THE FIRST ONE because I heard this song...I think everyday for a week at least after I got here and it will forever remind me of the beginning of my stay in Korea.
MC Mong - 죽을 만큼 아파서 (Sick (?) enough to die)
Uhm....also this song is amazing. :P
FT Island - 사랑 사랑 사랑(Love Love Love)
omg, I love love love this song....and yes I partially meant to do that, but mostly I actually love love love this song. <3 Plus the video's pretty cool~ SE7EN - Better Together
휘성 - 결혼까지 생각했어 (I even thought of marriage)
Everytime I hear this song I want to sing along XD
Taeyang - I'll Be There
Like...zombie...vampires...or something XD But I love the song....also I love taeyang.
Sistar - 가식걸
I really didn't like their first song...but this one gets stuck in my head >.< Big Bang - Beautiful Hangover
It's in Japanese....oh well~ I love this video...mysterious random moving circles haha
Supreme Team ft. 영준 - 왜 (why)
Newer addition to my constant soundtrack
SE7EN - Digital Bounce
I didn't like this song much at first, but it's really grown on me...I love when TOP comes in XD
Rainbow - A
I dunno if this is the group that's supposed to have the really really young girls in it or not, but this song is caaaatchy.
G.NA - 꺼져 줄게 잘 살아 (I'll back off so you can live)
Great song~
DJ DOC - 난이런 사람이야 (I'm a guy like this)
This song is pretty new, but already I really like it....I was iffy at first, but it got viciously stuck in my head:
Miss A - Breathe
Of course, I really reallllly liked their first song, but since I'd known about it before i came here, I'll post this version instead....which is amaaaazing. ;D
Miss A - Bad Girl Good Girl...?
I caught this on tv when it was happening. Chuseok special XD
Now that i've gone completely overboard...*cough* I'm done! :D
Aaaand 2pm is making a comeback Oct 15 X3 Soooo, that's exciting X3333 Also Big Bang is supposed to be making a return to Korea sometime soon...this month? something....in other words, this month in music = YES.
Boys' work vs. Girls' work
Random note about my creative students
So I've given the "make your own story using past tense" class to a boys class and a girls class now, and just from these two classes I see a huge difference in stories. They were allowed to make up any story they wanted lol.
Girls' stories (They had less time, so most of these are just pictures not much story writing yet):
1. A story about a girl being scolded by her mom, then badmouthing her mom to her friends, but then her mom hears and the girl grovels and then the mom like...pushes her lol.
[very cartoony.]
2. Story of everyday life: "I get up at 6:00", then a picture of missing the bus, then of sleeping in class, then of sitting in math class, then of "study hard" in the after school academy, then someone sitting at a desk still studying at 1:00.
[I love the sleeping in class picture XD]
3. A teacher laughingly telling a student to "give me crying!" Then the student giving what looks like a bowl of tears "Here you are!!" and the teacher saying "After school bring your crying" (?) Then a student sitting at a desk looking all happy and waving saying "(cute) I'm Minji" and the teacher saying "Do not act like a cute person" Then the student looks like they turned into a monster at their desk saying "I'M MINJI" and the teacher saying "Ok"
[....this story isn't finished...i have no idea where it's going XD]
4. A story about a girl (one of the ones in class i think) goes out shopping "after test..." and it says "fashion news" and "I'm happy" Then the students report card "But in the school" "띠로리" (?) Then the girl crying "I'm very sad" and then mom looking very mad with flames coming out of her head (lol) and then arms with a stick hitting them "love stick" it says.
5. A conversation between two girls: one is wearing a "I love you Kikwang" shirt and the other says "Hey!", Kikwang shirt says "why?" Other girl says "I...I have something to tell you." Then kikwang shirt thinks: "서..설마 고백??" and other girl says "Hah Hah Hah..." looking all crazy and then she says "MBLAQ" and kikwang shirt girl says "헐~" (it's revealed that other girl is wearing an "I love Mblaq" shirt XD
[LOL the last one like...is kinda creepy but cracks me up. But you gotta know two things: 1. who kikwang is and 2. Mblaq's song "Y" lololol]
I see a lot of similarities between the girls' stories. Minus the last one lololol
NOW. Boy's stories on the other hand: (they had more time, so most of them actually wrote their stories out + drew the pictures)
1. "I have many hair. Many people say you look so dirty. Cut the hair. So i think cut my hair." (the picture is a guy with a mustache and other around him saying "cut cut cut" Then: "I went to the store and I bought razor and cream." Then: "Arrive my house and I went bathroom." Then: I saw a mirror. and spred the cream on my face. I cut my hair." Then: "Oh no! I slide to sope (?) Oh no. I cut my nose. oh shit." Then: "What? Oh yeah. It's dream. w...what? Where is my nose?"
[LOL. But they didn't finish their drawings...sad. lol]
2. "민X's nick name is Kim Germany" Picture of a loner standing by the "휴지통" being pointed at and made fun of by others "김독일 ㅋㅋㅋ" Then "After school, going to home" Picture of loner walking home and people behind him throwing something at his head "shot! 팅!" Then "It's very tired 민X's life." Then: "The test result day" "Mother! I don't take a good score" "D..Do...Do you want a die?" Then: "YES!" "ok.." Then: "After all 민X tries to kill himself."
[....this story is actually pretty traumatizing O___O but also super cartoony....]
3. "In the school camp. We did the activity called rafting. First 회재 jumped into the water and everybody laughed. Then 승민 jumped into the water, but he didn't come up to the suface. Then 승민 came out and he just looked like beaver. Then laught." This one has a picture of a row boat with lots of people in it, then one jumps off and his head is floating above the water and everyone's all "ㅋㅋㅋ" then another person jumps off but then there's just "...." above the water. Then he pops out and has beaver teeth and everyone laughs...
[XDD wtf? Well they always call this one kid a beaver cause he looks like one apparently lolol. He was part of the group btw, he was helping them think up the story, so I think he embraces the nick name. XD]
4. "One day rabbit and turttle are held a race. Turttle was win. How the turttle won the race. One hour ago rabbit took a rest. at that time turttle find a rabbit and hit her head as turttle sheld and rabbit was broken head. So turttle could win the race. -The End-" This one has a turtle and rabbit racing, then a naked turtle racing, then a turtle winning, then a rabbit on the ground all beat up and a shell next to it XD It says: "One hour ago" and points out all the "blood" and the rabbit is thinking "why" also the "sheld" is pointed out XD
5. Today LSH and YSH had fight. YSH made a fight but YSH can't hit LSH, so LSH very angry and hit YSH. Finally YSH blood his nose and hide his tear and SHS teacher hit LSH's cheek. Then fight is finish. -End-" This one shows two people and one says: "Hey will you fight me?" and the other says "Okay." Then it's like: "Die!" "Bbouch!!" Then the teacher comes and says: "Hey guys follow me!" Then they say "sorry" and the teacher smacks one of them and then the one who got smacked is like "shet" and the one who got punched in the fight is all "kk"
[XD wtf...]
6. This one is the life story of one of the boys in the group: "In 1997 there was a baby whose name is 승민. When 승민 was middle school student, handsome 기태 kick and punched him. He teased many people. He passed the important exam when he was 19. He become a rich person but one year later 기태 killed him. So 기태 got all of the money." This one starts with a baby, then 승민 getting bullied by 기태 then 승민 sticking his tongue out at a crowd of unamused people, making fun of them no doubt, then him taking a test and looking really happy afterwards, then him lounging by a pool with sunglasses and a pile of money next to him (XD) then 기태 is back, shooting him by the pool with a rocket launcher (from the roof of another building) saying: "You teased many people. You should be killed by me."
[LOL This is my favorite just for that ending. CAN'T YOU SEE THE LOGIC? lol, i bullied you when you were little, then you bullied others, worked hard, and became super sucessful, so CLEARLY i must kill you now. XD wtf.]
The boys stories all seemed to involve more fighting and violence, but both had actually quite cute drawings...o___o
As for the finish the story part...(I gave 5/6 panels to a story of a girl going to get ice cream and then tripping over a dog while looking at a text message sending the ice cream flying....and the students had to finish the story) Compared to the girls' endings the boys seemed to have more just kicking the dog and/or making the dog into 보신탕 LOL...but i did see one girl's story end that way XD
So I've given the "make your own story using past tense" class to a boys class and a girls class now, and just from these two classes I see a huge difference in stories. They were allowed to make up any story they wanted lol.
Girls' stories (They had less time, so most of these are just pictures not much story writing yet):
1. A story about a girl being scolded by her mom, then badmouthing her mom to her friends, but then her mom hears and the girl grovels and then the mom like...pushes her lol.
[very cartoony.]
2. Story of everyday life: "I get up at 6:00", then a picture of missing the bus, then of sleeping in class, then of sitting in math class, then of "study hard" in the after school academy, then someone sitting at a desk still studying at 1:00.
[I love the sleeping in class picture XD]
3. A teacher laughingly telling a student to "give me crying!" Then the student giving what looks like a bowl of tears "Here you are!!" and the teacher saying "After school bring your crying" (?) Then a student sitting at a desk looking all happy and waving saying "(cute) I'm Minji" and the teacher saying "Do not act like a cute person" Then the student looks like they turned into a monster at their desk saying "I'M MINJI" and the teacher saying "Ok"
[....this story isn't finished...i have no idea where it's going XD]
4. A story about a girl (one of the ones in class i think) goes out shopping "after test..." and it says "fashion news" and "I'm happy" Then the students report card "But in the school" "띠로리" (?) Then the girl crying "I'm very sad" and then mom looking very mad with flames coming out of her head (lol) and then arms with a stick hitting them "love stick" it says.
5. A conversation between two girls: one is wearing a "I love you Kikwang" shirt and the other says "Hey!", Kikwang shirt says "why?" Other girl says "I...I have something to tell you." Then kikwang shirt thinks: "서..설마 고백??" and other girl says "Hah Hah Hah..." looking all crazy and then she says "MBLAQ" and kikwang shirt girl says "헐~" (it's revealed that other girl is wearing an "I love Mblaq" shirt XD
[LOL the last one like...is kinda creepy but cracks me up. But you gotta know two things: 1. who kikwang is and 2. Mblaq's song "Y" lololol]
I see a lot of similarities between the girls' stories. Minus the last one lololol
NOW. Boy's stories on the other hand: (they had more time, so most of them actually wrote their stories out + drew the pictures)
1. "I have many hair. Many people say you look so dirty. Cut the hair. So i think cut my hair." (the picture is a guy with a mustache and other around him saying "cut cut cut" Then: "I went to the store and I bought razor and cream." Then: "Arrive my house and I went bathroom." Then: I saw a mirror. and spred the cream on my face. I cut my hair." Then: "Oh no! I slide to sope (?) Oh no. I cut my nose. oh shit." Then: "What? Oh yeah. It's dream. w...what? Where is my nose?"
[LOL. But they didn't finish their drawings...sad. lol]
2. "민X's nick name is Kim Germany" Picture of a loner standing by the "휴지통" being pointed at and made fun of by others "김독일 ㅋㅋㅋ" Then "After school, going to home" Picture of loner walking home and people behind him throwing something at his head "shot! 팅!" Then "It's very tired 민X's life." Then: "The test result day" "Mother! I don't take a good score" "D..Do...Do you want a die?" Then: "YES!" "ok.." Then: "After all 민X tries to kill himself."
[....this story is actually pretty traumatizing O___O but also super cartoony....]
3. "In the school camp. We did the activity called rafting. First 회재 jumped into the water and everybody laughed. Then 승민 jumped into the water, but he didn't come up to the suface. Then 승민 came out and he just looked like beaver. Then laught." This one has a picture of a row boat with lots of people in it, then one jumps off and his head is floating above the water and everyone's all "ㅋㅋㅋ" then another person jumps off but then there's just "...." above the water. Then he pops out and has beaver teeth and everyone laughs...
[XDD wtf? Well they always call this one kid a beaver cause he looks like one apparently lolol. He was part of the group btw, he was helping them think up the story, so I think he embraces the nick name. XD]
4. "One day rabbit and turttle are held a race. Turttle was win. How the turttle won the race. One hour ago rabbit took a rest. at that time turttle find a rabbit and hit her head as turttle sheld and rabbit was broken head. So turttle could win the race. -The End-" This one has a turtle and rabbit racing, then a naked turtle racing, then a turtle winning, then a rabbit on the ground all beat up and a shell next to it XD It says: "One hour ago" and points out all the "blood" and the rabbit is thinking "why" also the "sheld" is pointed out XD
5. Today LSH and YSH had fight. YSH made a fight but YSH can't hit LSH, so LSH very angry and hit YSH. Finally YSH blood his nose and hide his tear and SHS teacher hit LSH's cheek. Then fight is finish. -End-" This one shows two people and one says: "Hey will you fight me?" and the other says "Okay." Then it's like: "Die!" "Bbouch!!" Then the teacher comes and says: "Hey guys follow me!" Then they say "sorry" and the teacher smacks one of them and then the one who got smacked is like "shet" and the one who got punched in the fight is all "kk"
[XD wtf...]
6. This one is the life story of one of the boys in the group: "In 1997 there was a baby whose name is 승민. When 승민 was middle school student, handsome 기태 kick and punched him. He teased many people. He passed the important exam when he was 19. He become a rich person but one year later 기태 killed him. So 기태 got all of the money." This one starts with a baby, then 승민 getting bullied by 기태 then 승민 sticking his tongue out at a crowd of unamused people, making fun of them no doubt, then him taking a test and looking really happy afterwards, then him lounging by a pool with sunglasses and a pile of money next to him (XD) then 기태 is back, shooting him by the pool with a rocket launcher (from the roof of another building) saying: "You teased many people. You should be killed by me."
[LOL This is my favorite just for that ending. CAN'T YOU SEE THE LOGIC? lol, i bullied you when you were little, then you bullied others, worked hard, and became super sucessful, so CLEARLY i must kill you now. XD wtf.]
The boys stories all seemed to involve more fighting and violence, but both had actually quite cute drawings...o___o
As for the finish the story part...(I gave 5/6 panels to a story of a girl going to get ice cream and then tripping over a dog while looking at a text message sending the ice cream flying....and the students had to finish the story) Compared to the girls' endings the boys seemed to have more just kicking the dog and/or making the dog into 보신탕 LOL...but i did see one girl's story end that way XD
Monday, October 4, 2010
More pics!
Added pics of my students (and some of their work lol) here:
aaaaaannnd.....i'm watching tv...so i'm too distracted to write more ;D
aaaaaannnd.....i'm watching tv...so i'm too distracted to write more ;D
Friday, October 1, 2010
It's October!
It's October 1st! Happy October! These days it's so crisp and cool out, it's amazing. I really love this weather, it always makes me feel energized when i walk around the school and just feel the cold air and see the orangey red trees outside X3 I also get distracted by how nice it looks outside when i'm in some of the classrooms on the upper floors 'cause i can see the mountains and the sunshine and just know what the weather outside feels like X3 Ah...love it.
It's 9:30am right now and walking back down to the teachers' room, the air in the lobby was so chilly, it felt like it does at night in berkeley/yuba city (in fall/winter). I felt like i could almost smell the jack-o-lanterns burning XD And the other night while walking home from the bus stop, i just felt like it was christmas time lolol, wow. I guess I associate different temperatures/weather with memories from holiday times in similar weather. But this seems to only apply to cold weather holidays...
whatevs. anyway. today's friday. the weather's nice. I wore jeans to work today for the first time and the class i just had was not bad. Therefore, i'm in a good mood lol. Not to mention, the class i'm supposed to have right now is cancelled (for me) cause they have midterms next week and my co-teacher wanted to finish teaching them the chapter, so i'm off the hook. Ah~ what a beautiful day~~ XDD
That class is the one with Duck Boy. I discovered that in this class, one student would often respond to anything even remotely funny with a loud nasally "haha" (think that bully in the simpsons whose name i can't remember right now...was it nelson?) So...i decided to dub him "Duck Boy" cause he reminded me of a duck. lulz. Anyway Duck Boy has now come up with something else he likes to do, but this isn't limited to class time, he does this in the hallways too lol. These days, my one-on-one conversations with Duck Boy go like this:
Duck Boy (usually coming out of nowhere): HI.
Me: Hi
Me: Bye...
Me: BYE.
DB: Hi
And this will all happen without any real breaks in the "conversation." Also it'll take place when I'm just standing in the hall/sitting somewhere/walking to or from class/be IN class before it starts or after it ends. lol, at first i was like: ....really?? But now i think it's kinda funny and when i see him, as soon as he says the first "hi" and "bye" I whip out the "hibyehibyehibyehibye" The other kids walking around seem to get a kick out of this too.
XD I have some of the most random interactions with individual students. They're so entertaining, lolol. Some girls like to fake me out with high fives, only to "jelly fish" their hands away when i go to give them one. And I'm only starting to catch on now, wtf haha. There's also still some students who never fail to tell me they love me XD I thought it would die out, and for the most part it has (down to just hellos from everyone) but there are still those who say it XD One girl always does the heart above her head with her arms and says it. In fact, this always happens at lunch when i'm walking to the table. Pretty sure it's happened every day this week...lulz
Anyway, I don't have class again til 1:10, 3 hours from now...either i'm going to die of boredom at my desk...or i'll write another blog entry before lunch. we'll see~
It's 9:30am right now and walking back down to the teachers' room, the air in the lobby was so chilly, it felt like it does at night in berkeley/yuba city (in fall/winter). I felt like i could almost smell the jack-o-lanterns burning XD And the other night while walking home from the bus stop, i just felt like it was christmas time lolol, wow. I guess I associate different temperatures/weather with memories from holiday times in similar weather. But this seems to only apply to cold weather holidays...
whatevs. anyway. today's friday. the weather's nice. I wore jeans to work today for the first time and the class i just had was not bad. Therefore, i'm in a good mood lol. Not to mention, the class i'm supposed to have right now is cancelled (for me) cause they have midterms next week and my co-teacher wanted to finish teaching them the chapter, so i'm off the hook. Ah~ what a beautiful day~~ XDD
That class is the one with Duck Boy. I discovered that in this class, one student would often respond to anything even remotely funny with a loud nasally "haha" (think that bully in the simpsons whose name i can't remember right now...was it nelson?) So...i decided to dub him "Duck Boy" cause he reminded me of a duck. lulz. Anyway Duck Boy has now come up with something else he likes to do, but this isn't limited to class time, he does this in the hallways too lol. These days, my one-on-one conversations with Duck Boy go like this:
Duck Boy (usually coming out of nowhere): HI.
Me: Hi
Me: Bye...
Me: BYE.
DB: Hi
And this will all happen without any real breaks in the "conversation." Also it'll take place when I'm just standing in the hall/sitting somewhere/walking to or from class/be IN class before it starts or after it ends. lol, at first i was like: ....really?? But now i think it's kinda funny and when i see him, as soon as he says the first "hi" and "bye" I whip out the "hibyehibyehibyehibye" The other kids walking around seem to get a kick out of this too.
XD I have some of the most random interactions with individual students. They're so entertaining, lolol. Some girls like to fake me out with high fives, only to "jelly fish" their hands away when i go to give them one. And I'm only starting to catch on now, wtf haha. There's also still some students who never fail to tell me they love me XD I thought it would die out, and for the most part it has (down to just hellos from everyone) but there are still those who say it XD One girl always does the heart above her head with her arms and says it. In fact, this always happens at lunch when i'm walking to the table. Pretty sure it's happened every day this week...lulz
Anyway, I don't have class again til 1:10, 3 hours from now...either i'm going to die of boredom at my desk...or i'll write another blog entry before lunch. we'll see~
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