alright, i have obviously not been using this, but i wanted to write down the stuff my students are "inventing" cause they're hilarious and a fb status is not big enough. XD
random post so i can remember their inventions lulz. these are just the highlights though. Italics are my own comments ;D
Class 101 (boys, mid-high level)
Company Name: MarBoRu (dunno if they were meaning to spell the company name correctly, or what XD)
Invention name: Fire Cigarette (have a button)
What does it do?: Click a button, it hold fire at the cigarette. It's simple.
Why is it good?: It's potable (portable?) cigarette and simple.
How much does it cost?: 1,000,000,000 dollars (a billion of dollars)
Picture: kinda looks like a recorder with only three buttons. one end is spewing flames like a rocket. The three buttons are labeled as "button (open fire)" "button (close fire)" "button (water)" dunno what you would need the water for....
Company Name: Smile Robot
Invention Name: Yu Hyun Gu one of the two making this is named Yu Hyun I guess they're making a robot after him? XD
What does it do?: If I say anything, it always smiles.
Why is it good?: It looks happy
No cost yet or picture....i dunno XD
One group invented a "cloaking spray" which I thought was pretty neat.
Another group invented a "smart black board"...which we kinda already have with the big touch screen tvs in some rooms, but the thing i liked about this one was the picture. Looks like everyone is wearing 3d glasses. teacher too XD
There are a lot of jumping/flying/fast shoes, but one pair stood out with their "Useful Shoes" which allow you to "jump high and not fall down. We can kick very fast and strong" But the thing that stood out the most in my opinion was the picture, which showed someone jumping in the air with what look like rocket shoes, and simultaneously kicking two soccer balls. AND on the other side, someone jumping over another person on the ground who had a huge X over them....XD
Class 205 (Boys, mid-high level)
Company Name: Beaver Company
Invention Name: Beaver pad (apparently it's a phone like the ipad)
What does it do?: We can see hologram in calling. We can move to beaver land.
Why is it good?: Small than Gallexy tab. Thin than Iphone.
How much does it cost? 1,500,000
Picture: looks like an ipad XD I think it's not finished
Company Name: S.C.
Invention Name: 5D computer
What does it do?: The 5D Computer can feel, smell, touch, see, hear.
Why is it good?: When you watch the soccer match, you can see near the player.
How much does it cost?: Million won.
Picture: shows a soccer field on tv with little dots, with an arrow to a tv with a big player on it XD
Company Name: Application
Invention Name: Nuclear Waste change to air mask
What does it do?: If nuclear waste flow in the air, then we breathe nuclear waste. this mask change nuclear waste
The rest is unfinished so far
Company Name: modern invention company
Invention Name: 3D simmulation call
What does it do?: If you tipe your friends or someone else in the machine your friend comes out in the screen in 3D so you could play with your friend.
Why is it good?: It is very useful when I do my homework. call simulation.
How much does it cost?: 3000000
Picture: unfinished
Company Name: Apurture Science
Invention Name: Helum Candy (I think they mean Helium XD)
What does it do?: It has very much helum, so when you eat it you can fly everywhere but, your voice is very strange for a moment.
Why is it good?: You can go every where. where you are (seems unfinished)
How much does it cost?:30,000\
Picture: IS GREAT. Shows a guy outside a maze popping a candy with the words "eat it!!" then they show him floating to the goal line XDD
Company Name: Fast Meal
Invention Name: Meal Gum
What does it do?: When we are busy. We can eat this gum very fast. It taste rice, kimchi, tuna, lobster, curry, milk, fruits...
Why is it good?: Because we can eat very fast when we are busy
How much does it cost?: Breakfast --> 2000 won, Lunch --> 1000 won, Dinner --> 3000 won, Dessert --> 500 won.
Picture: a breakdown of each meal gum XD
Company Name: Husik
Invention Name: Electric drink
What does it do?: One glass equal three bottle. One time drunk and it turn off you will be normal. (Apparently this is like an alcoholic drink in that when you drink it it is like 3 bottles of alcohol, but only while it's electrified, cause when you turn it "off" you're back to normal sober XD)
Why is it good?: Not unhealthy. Students can drink.
How much does it cost?: 9600 won
Picture: looks like a taser gun. o___o
Company Name: Asax
Invention Name: Haein machine
What does it do?: Throw the baseball. Play with Daewon. Anyway follow Daewon, baby program.
Why is it good?: Daewon is only love
How much does it cost?: 1 + 1 Servis (buy one get one free) 49,800 won
Picture: girl robot XD
Apparently they made a robot for their friend? I feel like this may be a real girl somewhere XD
Class 107 (girls, mid-high level)
Company Name: H & Y
Invention Name: Anywhere Door
That's as far as they got...i'm interested to find out about this one...
This, like other girls classes had a lot of similar things, flying hats, make up hair bands, earring mp3s, smart pencil cases, flying shoes, etc. Nothing that i really had to wonder at XD The boys make up quite strange things sometimes.
Class 105 (Boys, high level)
Company Name: Power Rizer
Invention Name: Delicious eraser (i think this is my favorite invention so far)
What does it do?: We can eat eraser, if we are hungry
Why is it good?: We eat delicious eraser, we are full.
How much does it cost?: \3,000
Picture: in the picture it shows a size comparison of person to eraser. It also lays out the different flavors the eraser is available in: Pizza, chicken, strawberry, banana, watermelon, bugger (booger?), rice, kimchi, phone, people, eraser, blood, milk, beaver? (can't read the last one)
Class 204 (Girls, low level)
Company Name: Pretty Cute Woman
Invention Name: WoW
What does it do?: If you take this medicine, you will get beautiful.
Why is it good?: Yes.
How much is it?: 5.000000
Picture: a pill with a butterfly on it and the word "Beautiful" XD
Some classes I had today had some pretty good ones, like a girls' class with a "sleep desk" Apparently in class you just push a button and a pillow comes out on your desk XD Another pair created a "vivation pillow" which would violently vibrate you awake in the morning instead of an alarm. It was good because "you will not wake up late" and had a great picture of someone being violently awakened XDD
More inventions expected the rest of this week X3